It is a nice club with a black marble wrap around bar top. Bathrooms were cleaner than a lot of other clubs I’ve been to. For you cancer sucking folks…just warning you the smoking section is as big as a bathroom stall, WTF!? Hahaha. Not cool. And then you have a bouncer hounding the non-smokers to leave and make room for other people, again WTF!? To make it even worse…I felt like I was at an 18 and up club cuz all of a sudden music stops and emcee announces a fuckin’ “THONG CONTEST!” Wow really? There were strippers from Centerfolds there in their hot pink frilly ass lingerie and clown make-up with their furry ass matching boots. YUCK! Music was cool…playlist was more like TOP 40, from Lady GaGa to Ice Cream Paint Job (is that what that songs called?)

So we’re dancing and BOM BAM POW….a fight breaks loose right next to us. KILLJOY! So that basically tops off a pretty bad experience there besides the fact I danced the night away with…………………
Parking on Broadway is a biznatch…but we always manage to find our spot in the same area off of Jackson and Grant. Then you gotta walk a ways to get on Broadway…but it beats paying $15-$20. And I read on Yelp that people crave their Oily Parmesean Fries...so gotta check out their menu next time. Oh yah, it was so daym crowded in there it was like being in a daym mosh pit. Next time I decide to come out here, better be for a goooooooooodddddd reason!
BECAUSE WHO DOESN’T…have a bad first experience at a club?
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