

So my question got answered from my previous post...by Life 2.0 with OHW

I just need to add some commentary to my question cuz after reading OHW's response and reading my question over again, I thought the way I posed my question was kinda silly. Commentary in blue

Dear OHW2007,
What do guys really think of dating a female with a child?
So I’ve been single for almost 2 damn years and feel like I give off this “motherly” aura and that’s why I haven’t met anyone. Ok, so within those 2 years I’ve probably got to know….eh…. 1 ½ guys (haha, OWH questions my 1 1/2 guys - so basically I've gotten to know one guy late last year but that fell off and the other 1/2 is for someone I met recently, but it's still fresh, so yah). But that didn’t all kick into gear until over a year of being single. Maybe it’s some subconscious thing I’ve got going on and it’s actually being reflected on the outside as well I just feel like a woman with a child is definitely a top reason why guys stray away…they don’t want to deal with any baby daddy drama. It’s all good, I’m handling mines and that’s all that matters, but at times a woman’s gotta feel loved in more ways than one. I’m still young and wanna have fun too. What’s the deal….

Life 2.0 with OHW response

The Professional:I think you’re very perceptive in questioning the possibility that it is a subconscious issue. Sometimes our fears or our presumed beliefs express themselves in our actions. You might want to ask yourself if you are truly putting yourself out there (Am I? How do I? ). Remember, a relationship can only start with a conversation. If you’re not talking to guys, well, regardless of baby daddy drama, the odds of getting close to someone is highly unlikely. Stop worrying about the “top reason” for a guy not to be interested in you and start focusing on all the love you and your child deserve (I know that's right!). I suggest you spend the next month reviewing your wardrobe (I have a good wardrobe for now, give me some money and you know I will be "turnin' you on") and gear up for your next mission in life: Operation Sexy Mama. (I will definitely be steppin' up my game, SURELY BUT SLOWLY, so don't be surprised if I'm showcasing a new look when I'm out)

The Jerk: Unless your baby daddy has a shotgun and reminds every male around you about his aim on the daily (BD is military status - FYI - haha), I don’t think you should be worried about baby daddy drama. Oh, and what’s up with only getting to know 1.5 guys? Was one of the guys really short or were you talking to Siamese twins, I’m really confused. Anyway, let’s move on. You need to hit up the meat market, you know, the sausage party and start getting your groove on, kinda like Stella (I’ve never actually seen the movie but sounded like a good way to end the sentence) (NOTE TO SELF: gotta watch 'HOW STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK'). I’m not saying date men in volumes, I’m just trying to say you have to start talking to the opposite sex more than just a Siamese twin and his brother. You might want to improve your odds by trying the whole on-line dating thing (one of my friends actually set one up for me, but I've probably checked it twice since then). I’ve seen the ads and they look legit, plus you can narrow your search criteria without having to ask every guy you meet to fill out a parenting questionnaire. Good luck, have fun and don’t get arrested.

Well said. Thank you OHW. I will work on: OPERATION SEXY MAMA, as if I don't already have that swag in my step. hahhahaha

VIA: misscrew

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