
On being 24...and looking back

So I’ve been 24 years old for about a couple weeks now. Doesn’t feel any different than 23, ok maybe 4 lbs. different considering all the daym Thanksgiving food I consumed in a 5 day span. Not a good look. I think we still have leftover turkey in our fridge (yah, kinda gross). There is about 4 weeks until we hit another gahdamn new year. 2010 – what will you bring me?! I remember when 2009 hit, I was so hyped, talking about “THIS IS MY YEAR!” But really, now that I look back on 2009, there isn’t anything that I could say I accomplished. That is going to change for 2010. Before I hit 25, I want to be able to say that I am proud of myself for accomplishing ____________ (fill in the blank).

In June, I considered going back to school to get my bachelor’s degree and in October I was suppose to start. Did I? No I didn’t. I’m not mad or I don’t regret it, but I sure as hell wish that I kept my word. My word was: WHEN JEREMIAH STARTS KINDERGARTEN, I’M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. Jeremiah has been in school for 3 months now and me none. He wins! I think that going back to school is one of my biggest goals for 2010. One of the drawbacks is the fact that I have credits I can transfer but that is not helping depreciate the dollar amount it would cost me for that degree. DILEMMA! And then I think about: will the job I get after I graduate get me out of debt? Will I actually be making MORE money instead of having to worry about living check to check. Someone light a fire under my ass, cuz the longer I wait to go back to school, the more money it will cost.

I am now holding bad credit for the next 2-5 years because I purchased a home with my mother at the end of 2007, just right before the housing market took it’s big fall. Big FAIL for us, had we waited 3 months longer, we wouldn’t have to be in the position we are now. So I am seriously going to work on saving money, making more money, and being more independent. Cuz after my credit is back I want to be able to get my own place. I love my momma, but I feel like I can’t grow up living with her. I need to!

As far as the relationship category of my life – MAJOR FAIL! In every relationship. BOYS: ugh let’s not go there because I digress and I will probably get emo. Save that for another post. MOTHER: we have our fallouts. Sometimes I just wish I can put my foot down and tell her how it is, but really that’s not my place and I definitely don’t want an ass whoopin’ at 24. LOL. FATHER: Who? We live in the same city and I don’t even see him nor talk to him. Sad I know. FRIENDS: Major fallouts with friends. This year has been a mixed chaos of drama. Thank goodness none of it was with me, I’m still cool with everyone but we can’t really hang out as a crew anymore. FRIENDS, how many of us have them? BEST FRIEND: wow, I think this year was like the most distant we’ve ever been. We are on different wavelengths right now, but at the end of that bumpy wave we always seem to meet again. I want that ol’ thang back.

Special events of 2009:
JANUARY : Buff’s major rage bday weekend
FEBRUARY : Dirty’s Anti-Valentine’s party
MARCH : ughhhhhh idk
APRIL : Los Angeles to visit Alyssa
MAY : Camp Lo with my P.I.C.s
JUNE: started the process of enrolling into going back to school – FAIL!
JULY : Disneyland in July for Jeremiah’s 5th birthday & N.E.R.D concert for like the 20th time
AUGUST : Rock the Bells with my P.I.C.s
SEPTEMBER : Jeremiah started kindergarten
OCTOBER : Halloween, finally attempted to make my own costume & realized it’s Jeremiah’s fave holiday
NOVEMBER : Las Vegas for Pacquiao fight and early bday celebration & my 24th bday. Yayyyy SCOPRIOS!
DECEMBER : the holidays, can’t say much more

Good riddance to an alright year and cheers to an even better one! 2010 I’m owning you, it is time for change.

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